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In CTRD 3000, we had the opportunity to tutor a first grader in a local school. Every week I would create a lesson plan and instruct the student in phonics. This experience taught me the importance of literacy in the classroom. Literacy gives students a cornerstone for learning of which they can build off. I learned that teaching reading is difficult, but so rewarding when the student succeeds. Linked below are some of the lesson designed I created for my CTRD class, each lesson is designed for readers at different stages. Below I have included a link to the index of the designs my fellow students created.

Literacy: Text
Image by Christin Hume
Literacy: Image


Sneaky Snakes Hiss

This lesson is intended for readers who are beginning to engage with word maps. Students will learn the phoneme /s/.


Hey! How are you?

This lesson is intended for students who are more familiar with word maps and are beginning to read. Students will learn the phoneme a_e = /A/.


If You Give A Mouse A Book

This lesson is intended for students who need to improve their reading fluency. This lesson will improve their fluency and comprehension by repeated reading.


Summarizing is Like Connecting the Dots

This lesson is intended for teaching comprehension to readers. The lesson will instruct students how to summarize.

Literacy: Files
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